David and Kimberly Deets

IBL, Institute of Biblical Leadership

Our Goal: To serve side by side to encourage and equip God’s leaders.

The mission of IBL, Institute of Biblical Leadership is to provide side-by-side guidance to individuals, couples and leadership teams seeking to advance in life, leadership and ministry. Their four ministry services allow them to holistically address missional, organizational. inter-relational, and individual needs in the lives and ministries of their clients across North America.

As Vice President of Ministries of IBL, Dave has oversight of IBL’s services to God’s leaders: Coaching, Consulting, Counseling, U.S. Training and International Training. Dave also oversees IBL’s communications and social media channels.

Dave is passionate about organizational leadership and management. He has served and currently serves on several boards and has been instrumental in helping organizations and churches think through and implement changes to their structure, processes and ministry.

Website: iblministry.org

Email: daved@iblministry.org